Research : SNPs
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Polymorphism map of the genes involved in blood coagulation

Laurynas Daugela, Christof Geisen, Vytautas Ivaskevicius, Haroon Qureshi, Matthias Watzka (Frankurt)
Osman El-Maarri, Egle Jusciute, Katrin Klempau, Heike Singer (Bonn)

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes of blood coagulation are quite common and impressively demonstrate the genetic variation of the haemostasis system in the normal population. Some of these sequence variations are known to influence the clinical manifestation of thromboembolic disorders or the efficacy of drugs acting in the coagulation cascade. The present study investigates 400 alleles from most genes of the haemostasis system aiming an almost quantitative identification of SNPs with a frequency of > 1%. The SNP data will be aggregated to haplotypes which might be useful for the vision of assessing haemostatic risk profiles by biochip based diagnostic tools. This project is supported by the BMBF-DLR and part of the National Genome Research Net (NGFN) - Cardiovascular Disease.